Bulk Email Tool

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Trout Unlimited (TU) is pleased to offer our volunteers the ability to easily email your council/chapter membership with the greatest regard for member's privacy and communication preferences. This tool is designed as a way for you to communicate important information to your membership without concern for C-SPAM violations or for the costs associated with outside emailing services. You will find more information about this tool in the Leaders Only Section.

To Access the Bulk Email Tool

Log in to your user account on TU.org. Go to your Leaders Only Section. Choose the Email Members option.

Bulk Email Tool

You will find the Quick Start Links

Email Tool Quick Start Links.png

User Tip: click on the information symbol (?) to see the hint on what the link does.

Common Issue with Receiving Bulk Email

We often get messages from volunteer leaders that members are not receiving email from the bulk email tool. Here are the main reasons that email would not be delivered to your membership.

Bad email address One of our biggest issues is typos in the email address. Start by checking that the chapter roster, downloaded from LOS, has correct email addresses for your members. It happens. We also get members who use a fake or forgotten email address to avoid getting email from TU National.

Unsubscribed email preferences We have members who have clicked that little unsubscribe link at the bottom of email sent from TU National. This action unsubscribes the member from all email including the bulk email messages. This can be fixed but requires message from the member saying they want to subscribe to TU email that we share with the service provider. Members can check their preference by sending a request to trout@tu.org or contacting the Call Center at (800) 834-2419.

Spam and junk email settings Have your members check both internet browser and email settings when not finding email from TU National and from the bulk email tools used by Chapters and Councils. We have found that large state agencies and universities block email with links. Your members may not realize that their employer's firewall is holding the email and not their own junk folder.

Here are some helpful guides to the most common email providers:

One other tip that may help with issues regarding receiving email from TU would be to add TU email addresses to your personal contacts list. You can create a contact named Trout Unlimited and add some of the more common email 'from' address. For instance:

  • trout@tu.org
  • jyates@tu.org