Google Analytics

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Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources. Google Analytics can track visitors from all referrers, including search engines and social networks, direct visits and referring sites. Please see more detail on Wikipedia about Google Analytics

You can also visit the official Google Analytics site at

Get started with Analytics

Three steps to sign up and set up analytics.

Step 1: Sign up for an account.

Visit the Google Analytics website to sign up for a new account. Click the Access Google Analytics button and follow the on-screen instructions.

If you already have a Google account you can go here

If you don't have a Google Account or Gmail and prefer to user your own email address, go here

Step 2: Set up account properties.

Google Analytics is flexible and can support different account configurations, but your setup affects how data appears in your reports. To help plan your setup, consult the articles in our overview of accounts, users, properties, and views.

If you’re setting up Google Analytics to track an app, consult our best practices for mobile-app analytics setup.

Step 3: Set up your tracking code.

Include the Analytics tracking ID and code in your website or mobile app in order to collect and send usage data to your Analytics account. You can track multiple properties in the same account, but every property must be set up individually. Follow different processes to set up web tracking and to set up mobile app tracking.

After you’ve completed your set up, return to this Help Center to learn more about managing your account, using your reports, and linking Google Analytics to AdWords.

If you link Google Analytics to your AdWords account, Analytics automatically tracks the behavior of users coming from your AdWords ads. This data can help you gauge the ROI of your AdWords budget and make informed decisions about changes to your AdWords account.

This information and more training can be found on the Google Analytics page at Google Training & Certification

Adding Google Analytics to Your Chapter Site

Once you have obtained your Tracking ID number, it is time to install it in your Chapter Site.

Step 1: Access your Site Administration page

Site Administration

Step 2: Paste your UA number in the Google Analytics field. You will be replacing the TU National UA number.

Google Analytics field

Step 3: Save Your Work

Be sure to click on the Save Settings button before you leave this page.

That is it. Be sure to give your site 24 hrs to start collecting data. You can then check your Google Analytics Dashboard for information on your site.